It all began in a chatroom and the conversation started the
same way as so many do in every chatroom.
“Hello everyone,” said Paul.
At first there were no replies and he sat looking at the
screen hoping that someone, just anyone would at least chat to him about
chastity belts. Paul had a plastic device called a cb3000 but he longed for a
really serious steel belt and most of all someone to hold onto his keys while
he wore it. He looked up and down the list looking for likely candidates. He
saw what he guessed were many others like himself, just wannabes.
Paul was still considering if he dare try and send a private
message to someone and hope they would reply when he heard a sound and a
private message appeared in the bottom left hand corner of his screen.
“Hello, hope you don’t mind me sending you a private
message,” it said.
Paul looked and saw it came from someone called Anna. This
raised his hopes a little and also the excitement level so he quickly replied.
“No at all, I’m a male submissive from the UK in a cb3000.
Would you like to talk for a while?”
Talk they did for about an hour discovering that they lived
in the same town as one another and that they both had a strong interest in
secure chastity belts. Anna it seemed like nothing better than locking a belt
on a male submissive and teasing him to distraction, Paul couldn’t help but
lick his lips at the thought of her doing that to him. He was trying to work
out a way to meet her and take this chance meeting a little further when he
received a surprise.
“Paul I would like to meet you, it could be that I may have
something here that I wish to sell that may fit you and also interest you
greatly,” she said.
“Wow that would be great. When and where would you like to
meet Anna?” he asked.
It went very quiet for a few minutes, he wondered if he had
pushed a little too hard, too fast, then decided that perhaps she was trying to
think of a good place to meet for the first time.
“Do you know Fagan’s restaurant?” she asked.
“Yes I do off Canterbury Street I think,” he said.
“Good then you may take me to lunch tomorrow at 1.30 if you
“Yes that would be nice. Tell me Anna what is it that you
have to sell please?” he asked.
“I will tell you tomorrow if I think it would fit you, all I
can say is it is just a bit special for there is not another one like it,” she
Paul questioned her but she refused to give any more
information away and eventually they both left the chatroom, both excited at
the thought of what may be about to happen.
Sunday came and Paul was up early, after breakfast he bathed
and shaved then got dressed. Needing some cash he left his house and went to
the cash point and withdrew some money then drove back home to finish getting
Paul arrived a few minutes early feeling very nervous and
wondering what his date was like. He found the table she had told him about and
sat down. Seconds later a waitress appeared and gave him a menu, he thanked her
and ordered a glass of wine and said he was waiting for someone and would order
the food when they arrived. Paul sipped the wine and soon the glass was empty
and still no Anna. He looked at his watch, it was just after two o’clock and he
was beginning to think she had decided against it when the door opened and a
tall woman strode in. She stopped at the door and looked around then strode
towards Paul.
“Hello you must be Paul, I’m Anna. Sorry I’m late but I had
a little matter to deal with and it took a tad longer than I expected. Let’s
look at the menu and we can order,” she said taking control of the situation as
if it was the most natural thing to do.
She glanced over the menu then called for the waitress and
ordered the food and wine for both of them without asking what Paul would like.
“Stand up Paul I want to look at you please,” she said.
Paul slid his chair back and stood while she looked
“OK sit down I think you’ll do. What waist are you?” she
“36 inches Anna,” he said.
“Good that should be about right then. Maybe a tad tight but
it needs to be.”
“Are we talking about a chastity belt that you wish to sell
me Anna?”
Asked Paul.
“Yes but not just any chastity belt, this a very special,”
she said smiling for the first time.
Paul smiled, he thought she should smile more often for when
she did so her face seemed to light up and she became even prettier than
“I see, in what ways
is it so
special Anna?” he asked.
“After we have eaten I’ll take you to my place and show it
to you. It is expensive though, I want £500 for it,” she said
“Wow that is
expensive, it must be
very special at that price. I could buy a new Tollyboy or even maybe a
Neosteel belt for less than you are selling this one for,”
he said.
She said nothing, just smiled and began eating.
The meal was pleasant; Paul ended up drinking most of the
bottle of wine and so felt nicely relaxed as they left the restaurant. They
walked over to Anna’s car, a black
Merc with tinted
glass. Once belted in they left the car park and were soon travelling across
the city in total comfort. Paul noticed they were going towards the better half
of the city, the larger houses and wondered what type of house Anna had. They
pulled in a driveway and followed the tarmac road down for a hundred yards;
Paul liked the tall trees that lined the driveway and how it shaded the house
from being seen from the road. Anna pulled to a stop in front of the house and
switched off the ignition.
“Well Paul this is my little house, the one that daddy left
me last year. Come follow me and I’ll show you around a little,” she said.
Paul was impressed; it was large and well furnished. The
grounds were huge; he could fit his own house in a corner with no trouble at
“It does me Paul, I have a playroom in the cellar but that
is still being worked on. Perhaps next time, if there is a next time I’ll show
you round that. Anyway for now I have to get the chastity belt and explain a
little about it,” she said.
Paul followed her to a workshop and there on a bench was a
steel chastity belt, like a Tollyboy or Neosteel belt but not quiet the same.
“Right Paul this belt cost me over a thousand pound when I
had it made for a submissive I once had. In the end I allowed him to leave for
I could see it getting very messy and he really didn’t want to be here. Looking
at the belt you may think it is stainless steel, which as I am sure you know is
a very hard metal. Well Paul it is not, well not totally. I had it made and it
is a mixture of medical grade stainless steel and titanium making it so hard it
has to be heated up to be cut and then only with a special laser. Pick it up
Paul, you’ll be surprised at the weight of it,” she said.
Paul picked the belt up, feeling the thick padded waistband
and was amazed at the weight. It felt like aluminium it was so light.
“It is so light, is it really as hard and strong as you say?”
he asked.
smiled, she had expected
doubts and was ready to deal with them.
“Follow me to the workbench,” she said
“Paul put the belt in the vice on the bench and clamp it in
tight,” she said.
She watched as Paul did as she said then
him a hacksaw.
“Paul there is a new blade in this saw and I want you to try
and scratch the surface of the belt. If you can do so I’ll give you a thousand
pounds and the belt,” she said.
Paul took the saw and started to try and cut through the
belt. After ten minutes the blade was blunt but the belt was still in pristine
condition. Not a single scratch anywhere.
“I am impressed,” said Paul.
“Here try this electric
tool, it is
fitted with a slitting disc that is made to cut through stainless. Try that on
the belt and see if you can cut it,” she said handing him the cutter.
“Are you sure Anna, you have proved your point to me,” he
“Do it, go on try and cut it. Pretend you are locked in and
want out so much, try and cut yourself out of the belt Paul,” she said.
Paul started the machine then put the blade to the belt. It
slid about at first until he found a slight ridge in the manufacture and was
able to press down and keep it in the one place. After twenty minutes the disc
was useless and the belt still practically unmarked.
“Hey that is serious metal, can anything cut it?” he asked.
“I understand if it is heated up so it is glowing red it can
be cut with an industrial laser for I think that is what they had to do to make
the belt in the first place. However, its Ok having a belt made from steel so
hard it can’t be cut but that would be no good at all if the locking system
wasn’t up to scratch.
Paul this is the locking system. It is similar to the
Tollyboy system but it far more secure than even their system is. Firstly the
locking block is solid stainless so you can forget about drilling it out,
believe me it won’t ever happen. The lock screws down using
a key and once tightened it can only be removed with a key. The key pushes down
sixteen cylinder pins all at different depths inside the lock all at the same
time and a special magnet in the key pulls up the pins that need to be pulled
up so the lock can be undone. I gave it to a local locksmith and asked him to
try and open it and so remove it from the belt. It was left with him for two
weeks and when I went to collect it he said he gave up after the first week for
in his opinion it was impossible to remove with out the keys. He tried drilling
it, hitting it, cutting it, picking it and nothing made any difference.”
“That is one scary belt Anna, imagine being stuck in that
and the lock failing,” said Paul.
“Well I have to admit that it could happen but it is
unlikely as there is a small shutter that covers the lock and stops dirt and
grit getting in side the lock. Now shall we try it on you to see if it fits and
then you can tell me if you are interested in buying it from me,” she said.
“Well I’m not so sure, it may be a bit more than I was
expecting,” he said.
“Don’t tell me you are going to chicken out after all your
fine words the other night about wanting to be locked in a proper belt,” she
teased. “Come on this is only a try
on, it may not
even fit you yet.”
Paul began to remove his trousers then his pants and finally
his shirt.
“Good now hands high above your head for me and feet about
two feet apart please,” she said.
First a steel sheath with small holes was slid onto his
penis using a bandage to pull his penis through
it was quite tight even though he was still flaccid. Next he stepped into the
belt. It had a strap of steel joining the back and front together and the
locking system
was at the back. He saw the pin on one
side of the waistband and a hole on the other. Anna pulled the belt up, eased
the sheath into the front shield and finished pulling the belt into place.
breath in for me please,”
she said.
Paul did and felt the belt tighten round his waist as she
slipped the pin through the hole so it couldn’t loosen again. Seconds later he
felt the waistband changing shape a little as the lock was tightened on and
pulled the two thicknesses of belt together.
It was certainly going to be tight
he thought as she removed the key and told him to move around a little to get
used to it.
He quickly found that it enclosed totally not only his penis
but also his testicles and he couldn’t get a finger anywhere close to them. For
a few minutes he struggled but soon satisfied himself that the belt was
everything Anna had said it was. If he bought it he would have to be so careful
who he gave the keys to he thought to himself.
“Once locked up no form of sexual satisfaction can be
obtained, that I guarantee. You won’t even be able to touch anything but it is
important to keep you healthy once locked up and so everything can be washed
fairly easily with a shower hose, the belt is well padded with special foam
rubber to make it comfortable and to seal you well in. There is no weight
problem with it; in fact you will find that it becomes so comfortable you may
even forget you are wearing it at times. Now I suggest you wear it for an hour
or so to see how you get on with it and then we’ll talk about you buying it,”
she said.
For the next hour Paul wore the belt and he had to say that
it felt fine. It was tight but not so tight it hurt. He could do everything he
tried to do with no problems and thought that if he had to he could easily wear
it for a few days. All in all he was happy with it and thought he would buy it
and perhaps then try and talk to Anna about playing with it in different
scenarios he could dream up.
“Right then Paul I am going to unlock you now then I’ll show
you one more feature of it you may like,” she said.
The belt away from his body, it had left its mark clearly
all over. Anna looked closely and decided that the pressure was fairly equal
and so no adjustment of shape would be necessary.
“Now Paul should your Mistress deem you require milking of
your cum she can do so without giving you any enjoyment at all. It also means
that you will stay very frustrated but that can’t be helped. At the back here
is where you would normally poo through but this butt plug can be fitted in
here and locked in place.
Its very neat as you can see
it is almost hollow and will open your anus up nicely. It also vibrates so
milks the prostate and this can milk you so dry you would be unable to have an
orgasm if given the chance for the next three days. If you were to wear the
device you would also need to wear nappies or diapers and plastic pants for you
would have little control of your ablutions and that would cause you extreme
embarrassment,” she said and smiled broadly at the thought.
“That would be awful, I can’t see me using that thing but if
it comes with the belt then so be it,” said Paul who was horrified at the
thought of it.
“So Paul what do you think? Worth the money or are you going
to pass and be a chicken again?” she asked.
“Yes Anna it is worth every penny of your asking price to
someone who had a keyholder but I have not. However should you be willing to
play with me sometimes using
scenarios that I dream up then that
becomes a different proposition all together. Then it would be well
worth it,” he said.
“Paul I do not act out
scenarios, that is
not the way things are with me. I am the way I am and that is a Domme 24/7/365.
If you wish to use the belt then yes come and see me but always I am in control
do you understand?” she said.
Paul blushed slightly, he was slightly frightened by this
lady, and he didn’t know quite what to make of her. One smile could put him at
ease but then a sharp word and his nerves would jangle and he would feel
worries about what was going to happen.
“Yes I understand Anna I didn’t mean to sound, well....” he
drifted off not knowing quite what to say.
“So do you want to buy the belt from me or not Paul?” she
asked firmly.
“Yes please, five hundred pounds you said?” he asked.
“Yes, you will bring me the cash on Wednesday evening at 7
o’clock. I will expect you then,” she said.
“Ok that gives me time to withdraw it from the bank. I’m
sure I can find this address again but just in case will you write it down for
me please?” he said.
Anna gave him a card that had her name and address plus the
phone number on.
“If you have any problems then always give me a ring. It
would NOT be wise to just not turn up as that would make me very angry and
believe me you would pay for it,” she said.
A look of fear spread over Paul as he listened to her, then
he saw the smile again and realised she was just joking, or was she...?
Anna gave him a lift back to his home and then sped off and
disappeared quickly into the distance.
The next few days were a haze for Paul as he couldn’t take
his mind off this wonderful belt that would soon be his. He had decided to wear
it home from Anna’s house when he picked it up and then try to keep it on all
night and if possible for the next day while at work. He wondered if he was
being a bit over ambitious but thought it must be worth a try and providing he
wasn’t in pain he would give it a go.
Wednesday came and he withdrew the money from the bank and
that evening he drove over to Anna’s house and knocked on the door extremely
excited. The door was soon opened and Anna ushered him inside.
“Good I am pleased you came; I was worried that I may have
over sold the belt and frightened you off. Still better you know what you are
buying than finding out afterwards. Come on through I have it in the living
room waiting for you already boxed up,” she said.
Paul followed her through and sat down on the sofa with the
box on a low table in front of him.
“Give me the cash and you can check the belt if you will
please,” she said.
Paul handed over a large envelope full of notes then picked
up the box, still amazed by the lack of any weight and opened it up. Inside was
the belt and in a plastic bag were a key and the lock. Paul took them out and
put the key inside the lock and it turned easily.
“Anna I was wondering if you would put the belt on me so I
could travel home in it please? I want to try and wear it for the rest of the
night and perhaps even tomorrow if I can,” he said.
“Ok but I would suggest that we don’t use the butt plug yet,
we’ll leave that for another time when you are a little more used to the belt.
Right you had better strip while I go and put this money in my safe,” she said.
When she returned Paul was holding the belt and sheath beaming
and so excited he wondered if the sheath would fit. He had purposely not
masturbated so far this week in readiness for this moment.
Anna used ice and a little lubrication and the bandage to
get the sheath fitted then she carefully pulled the belt in place, located the
sheath and then snapped the waistband together.
“Now the moment you have been waiting for, a locked up slave
in total chastity,” she said.
Paul felt her start to turn the key and the belt began to
tighten up as before. Soon it was done; he was locked up in a belt that was
more secure than his house was. He was happy that he would have the key to
start off with and was a little concerned that there was just the one key.
“Anna is there another spare key please?” he asked.
“Yes but I am not selling that key, I want it as a reminder
of the belt. If you ever need it then I will be happy to use it as and when I
see fit. However you do have one key and if you really want I am sure that a
good locksmith maybe able to cut another key for you but I can’t see it ever
being necessary,” she said.
Paul wasn’t too happy about it but had to accept that was
how it was going to be and so started to get dressed again. It felt a little
strange as he moved about and bent to put his clothes and shoes back on again.
“So are you happy with your belt Paul? You wanted to be
secure and I promise you that no one is ever going to be more secure than you
are right now,” she said.
“Yes very pleased, thank you for letting me put it on here,
I’ll maybe take it off soon and then put it back on again to see how hard it is
to do on my own. After all I can’t even see the lock,” he said.
“I shouldn’t worry too much about it you can always use a
mirror to see what you are doing,” she said.
“Well I think I had better go, hope we can chat again very
soon and perhaps meet again so I can tell you how I am getting on with the
belt,” he said.
“Yes I would like that, but first I have this receipt for
you to sign to say that you have the belt and that you also requested that I
lock you in it. It’s not that I do not trust you Paul it is just to keep
everything transparently clear and above board.” She said.
Paul quickly read through the document, but it was more of a
scan to see where he had to sign than actually reading it, he took the offered
pen and signed then printed his name and the date. Anne took the receipt back
and photocopied it and handed a copy to Paul. Now I must go and put my key in
my safe so I don’t lose it, that would be most unfortunate” she said chuckling
Paul left the house and drove home feeling like life just
couldn’t get any better than this. The belt was all his dreams come true and
now he was wearing it. He got home and went inside and immediately he took off
his clothes and looked at himself in the full-length mirror. It looked
fantastic and was still comfortable even though he could feel his penis trying
to erect inside its tube. He thought about taking it off and masturbating but
decided to try and hold out for the night and then it would be even better tomorrow.
He took the box and checked the key and plug was still
inside before he put it up on a shelf out of the way. He used the computer,
went on line and even chatted to Anna for a short while. She was pleased he
hadn’t decided to take the belt off and urged him to keep it on as long as he
could. She teased him a little and this caused him to feel the urge to take the
belt off and masturbate but he felt he would be letting her down if he did that
and so sat and suffered.
Sleep was not easy and his early morning erection was hard
to deal with but by now he was starting to get some confidence about wearing
the belt. It still felt comfortable even though he had discovered eating too
much would make it slightly less comfortable for a while. He would have to watch
his weight he decided. He got up and showered the next morning, it wasn’t easy
cleaning but he took his time and managed to get washed and dried then decided
that he would stay locked up but take the key with him just in case he needed
It had now been five days since Paul had masturbated and he
was finding it hard to concentrate when a pretty office girl walked by or stood
by his desk and chatted. Even the smell of their perfume was enough to make his
penis try and harden only to be thwarted by the steel tube. He found it
difficult to concentrate and made a few mistakes but managed to get through the
day and made his way back home.
Once home he had his dinner then went on line to look at
some nude girls all tied up. Soon he was feeling the full effect of the belt as
it denied him what would otherwise have been a full erection. Now wanting the
belt off so he could masturbate he took the box down and removed the key.
Standing by a mirror and so he could still see the slide show of girls on his
screen he put the key in the lock and started to turn. The key turned easily
but nothing seemed to be happening. His hands became hot and sweaty as he
continued to turn the key waiting for the pressure to ease so he could undo the
belt and remove it. Nothing was happening at all, he wondered if he had the key
in fully so he pushed hard and tried again. The results were the same and by
now he was starting to get very worried. Not sure what was going wrong he
decided to ring Anna and ask her if she could help.
“Hello Anna its Paul I wonder if you could help me please?”
he asked.
“Sure I’ll try, what’s the matter?”
“Well I have worn the belt all day and have decided to take
it off but the key doesn’t seem to be working,” he said.
“I see and tell me is the belt still comfortable?” she
“Yes it feels good but I just wanted it off for a little
while if you know what I mean,” he said
“Well I am sorry but it appears you are not going to get it
off tonight or tomorrow for that matter. You may come round and see me on Friday
evening and we’ll make a weekend of it if you like. The belt will keep you
nicely on the boil until then,” she said.
“No please, you don’t understand can you tell me what I am
doing wrong? I put the key in and turn it clockwise and it just turns round and
round but the lock doesn’t unscrew,” he said.
“It won’t undo
it, no you have to
understand that there is no point in owning the key to your own chastity belt.
The key you have will only lock it up it’s the key that I have that will unlock
it and that I put in the bank today so neither of us can get to it,” she said.
Paul went numb as he listened to her, he couldn’t believe
that he was locked in the belt and at her mercy.
“But I want out, I need to get out of this right now,” he
said a little louder than he had wanted to.
“Sorry but that is impossible, as I said the key is in my
safe deposit box in the bank and I have no intention of going for it tomorrow
and as for right now they are closed and unless you fancy breaking in the bank
and getting it I think you are stuck secure in the belt for now.

A good long
spell of chastity is what you require and that is what you are going to have.
If you are very good then I may fit the butt plug on during your stay with me
at the weekend and milk you but you certainly won’t be enjoying an orgasm!”
Paul could feel tears close behind his eyes that would be
running down his cheeks at any
moment, he had never
felt more helpless in his life before.
“Please I need the key to get out of this thing, I must have
it off over the weekend, I haven’t cum now for days and I am used to doing it
every day,” he said.
“Well you come and see me on Friday evening and we’ll see
what can be done for you,” she said and the phone went dead.
Friday couldn’t come quick enough, the longer it went the
more frustrated he became and when Friday did eventually come round he
telephoned work say he was sick. By then he had tried every way he could think
of it get to cum or even remove the belt but he had to admit that it was all
Anna had claimed to it be and much more. It was reasonably comfortable to wear;
sitting to urinate had already become second nature. It irritated him having to
do so but he knew he had no choice.
He drove to Anna’s house and arrived early hoping she had
collected the key from the bank and would be removing the belt but he did have
his doubts. If only he could persuade her to remove it for ten minutes then she
could lock him back up again for the rest of the weekend.
He got out of the car and walked to the front door where he
saw a notice stuck on. It was addressed to him so he took it down and read it.
“Baby, you will put your car in the garage and lock it up.
Then once inside you will see a steel box on the table at the back of the
garage. I want you to strip off everything you can and put it in the box then
close and lock the lid with the open padlock. That done you will see some
handcuffs beside the box along with a hood.
You are to put the hood on and fasten it tightly round your neck and lock
the strap with the small lock. Finally lock you hand together behind your back
in the handcuffs and then kneel and wait for me to arrive.
I will be watching on CCTV and if you don’t
do this you can forget about getting out of the chastity belt this year.”
Paul thought for a moment, he knew he had no choice while
she had the key to the belt. Ten minutes later saw him kneeing in the garage
unable to see anything and with his hands locked behind his back in some rather
secure looking handcuffs.
Paul did not hear Anna enter the room, the first he knew she
was there was when she clipped on a leash to the front of the hood collar.
“Come slave, I have things to do to you,” she said pulling
on the lead.
Paul managed to scramble to his feet and followed the pull
of the lead. She led him through the house a few times, up stairs then down
again until he had no idea which room he was in. When they stopped he could
feel a slight chill in the air. He felt the lead being tied to something in
front of him then he heard a steel door being slid closed and heavy locks
snapping into place.
“Baby, take one step round clockwise then one step straight
ahead and I’ll remove the hood for you.”
Paul did as ordered and felt someone fumbling with the small
lock until eventually he was hit by bright lights and had to close his eyes
until they got used to it.
“Welcome baby to my dungeon. You are the first person to use
this cell I hope you like it. Now you make yourself comfortable and I’ll go and
fetch your dinner and a drink for you, don’t go away now,” she teased,
He looked around and through the thick steel bars and knew
he was going no where until she said so. This woman was a control freak he
decided and at the moment she must have been in heaven for she had total
He saw things scattered around the room that he recognised
plus a few things he couldn’t imagine what they were for. The room he was in
had been divided into two by the steel cage he as now standing in. The bars
went right across the room, which gave him a fair amount of room to move about
in. Three sides were solid concrete walls with no windows. The bars were at
least an inch thick and the door he saw was locked using electric locks so no
keys was needed. He couldn’t see the control panel so
guessed it must be portable. He moved about the room and sat on the bed. It was
not comfortable with a thin mattress and was bolted to the floor. At each
corner he saw a steel shackle connected through a corner post of the frame and
guessed how he would be spending the night. Anna returned with a tray full of
“Now then baby, stay back where you are and I’ll slide this
through the floor slot like this. Good boy, now you enjoy your food and I’ve
put a straw in the cup so you can drink OK. I’ll be back later on and perhaps
we will talk a little,” she said.
“Please can you take off these handcuffs so I can eat? After
all I am hardly going to
cause you any problems locked
in this cage am I?” he said with rather more sarcasm than he had wanted to
“The cuffs can stay and no you don’t pose a threat and that
is the way it will stay. For that rudeness you’ll be punished. You can eat on
your knees using your mouth, it shouldn’t be too difficult,” she said and began
to walk off.
Paul made his way over to the food and dropped to his knees
as she watched and began to lap it up as if he was an animal.
“There I told you it was easy, you enjoy then take a rest
and I’ll be back soon,” she said.
The food tasted good and the drink was most welcome. Unable
to clean all the food off his face he went over to the bed and lay down on his
side. His arms ached a little as did his shoulders from the cuffs but he
reminded himself that his first aim had to be to get the belt off and ease the
frustration he was feeling. It was a long while before the door opened and Anna
entered the dungeon. He was sitting on the toilet when she came in and could
help but blush as she watched him sitting there. He saw her smile and knew
she as enjoying every second of his humiliation.
“You have no idea how much this turns me on, seeing you have
to perform the most basic of human needs right in front of me. I love control
but this is so much more. Do you realise just what your position is?” she said.
“How do you mean?” he asked.
“Let me ask you a question. Tell me are you scared?” she
“A little I suppose, more just uncomfortable and frustrated
really,” he said.
“Then I can only surmise that you have not given your
present position as much thought as you should have done. You have toilet
facilities, a wash basin, room to move about
in, all
you need to exist really. Do you realise that I really have no reason to ever
open this door again, life would go on?” she asked looking far more serious
than she had ever done before.
A huge ball of pure fear formed in his stomach, fear of the
like he had never felt before. She was right and what was worse no one even
knew he was there. There was his computer than eventually someone may check and
find some leads to her but that is all. He saw she was looking at him, no it
was as if she was looking into him and seeing that fears he now felt and
glowing at every tremble he made.
“I could clear your
house, well the
computer or anything else that may lead to me and no one would know where you
are. There would be no connection between us. No baby, you are in one serious
load of trouble,” she said.
Tears started to run down his cheeks, he dropped to his
knees and started to babble pleas to be released.
“Oh Anna you are so bad, making your new toy cry like a
baby,” she chided herself.
“However that is not my intention, well not this time

You will be my guest for the weekend as agreed. On Monday morning
providing you have behaved I will let you go back home,” she said smiling as
she played a roller-coaster game with his emotions.
“Please, please stop this, I can’t take all this. The
chastity belt, these handcuffs or being locked in this cage, please let me go
now I beg you,” he cried still on his knees.
“I think you need something to take your mind of your
present problem with the cuffs and cage. I know just how we will do that. I
intend to make you more comfortable and providing you behave that will happen.
You try anything and you’ll feel pain like you have never felt before,” she
She had an orgasm there and then just watching his reaction
to her little speech. This was going to be so much
she though to herself. Her panties were soaking wet from her juices but before
she was done tonight she was sure they would be ever wetter.
“Come here I am going to lock your hood on you and you will
follow my instructions,” she said.
She locked the hood in place then had him step away from the
bars and kneel down facing the far wall. She used the controller to open the
door of the cell and walked inside.
“Nose to the floor and bottom up as high as you can for me,”
she demanded.
He did that quickly; she used some lube to lubricate his
anus and a large butt plug that she had in her hand.
“I am going to fill your bottom with this plug, it is not
the one that normally goes with the belt but I have a good reason for that. Now
relax and it will be much easier on you,” she said.
It hurt like hell, he thought he would split in two at one
stage then when over the widest part of the plug the aching muscle were allowed
to return to a more reasonable shape. Inside the hood sweat was running off his
face, he felt exhausted by it all.
“Good, now stand and I am going to help you lie on the bed.
First I need to secure your ankles before I remove the cuffs. Now be a good boy
and don’t even think of doing anything silly or you will get hurt,” she said.
Paul thought about trying to attack her and get the keys off
her but he realised this was not the right
time, there
would be better times to try something like that if she refused to remove the
Paul felt a steel collar going round his neck and heard the
lock snap into place. Then he was led over to the bed on very shaky legs and
found that sitting was not a good idea with the plug in place. Anna carefully
positioned him as she wanted then locked a steel cuff round each ankle. The
cuffs were about an inch wide but well padded and comfortable. Then at last the
handcuffs were unlocked and he was able to bring his hand round to the front
again. The ache in his shoulders eased but didn’t go away totally.
“Now lay back baby and we’ll soon get you comfortable and
ready for a nice sleep,” she said.
Paul felt her take his right wrist and in seconds it was
locked to the top corner secure in the cuff, seconds later his other wrist
received the same treatment.
“Good, well done baby. I am so glad you were a good boy I
really didn’t want to use that shock collar you are wearing and I hope I never
do,” she said.
Paul had heard of them and knew that the pain they delivered
was disabling and awful, he didn’t have any desire to feel it. The hood was
removed leaving him to blink away the sweat in the bright light.
Anna went to each corner adjust the length of chin to each
limb, he had quite a bit of movement but not enough to get off the bed.
“Right then baby, this is the plan for tonight, I am going
to start a vibrator in your bottom before I leave and it will be running all
night. It will be at just the right level, you won’t cum, but you will be
thinking of little else long before I return in the morning. By then you will
know what it means to feel horny and be unable to do anything about easing that
pent up frustration. Now you have a good night, shout and scream all you want
as no one can hear you, this place is totally sealed off and soundproofed. If I
want a little entertainment I may tune in and have a listen or watch you on the
monitor. Have a good night baby, enjoy,” she said
Paul felt the vibrator burst into life, at first he thought
there was enough to make him have that much needed
soon he was to discover that was not the case. It was going to be a long, long
Just what had he got himself into here he wondered.
spread , it was all so unfair
he thought to himself. His face was wet with tears, the frustration he felt was
beyond description and he knew he would do anything when Anna finally set his
arms and legs free to even have the chance of an orgasm. Sleep had just not
happened that night, he had managed to doze a little once the device had died
but lying in a pool of pre-cum was very uncomfortable. His penis and blue
testicles ached, every slight movement he managed only made it worse. How he
hated this belt and the woman who had the keys.
Anna also had not slept well, she had been so excited she
couldn’t help but switch the CCTV screen on and watch her toy as it struggled.
Her hand had spent most of the night massaging between her legs; she too had
finally fallen to sleep exhausted. Her exhaustion however was caused by being
satisfied like never before. Anna finally woke
up, her
bedding was damp from the night’s activities. She felt alive like never before
and was excited thinking of her plans for the day ahead.
“Good morning slave, I trust you slept well,” she said
Paul’s first thoughts were to throw a whole lot of abuse at
her but quickly he realised that it would not be wise to do this to the one
woman who had such control over him at this time.
“It was an eventful night Mistress,” he said blinking away
more tears that stung his eyes.
“Well slave I am about ready for my bath and you are going
to be rewarded by being allowed to bathe me,” she said.
Paul could not prevent the soft groan as he thought of
washing his naked Mistress after the night he had just had and still locked in
the chastity belt. He knew however that this was not a request, it was an
instruction and he would have to do it and do it well to have any chance of
having the belt unlocked this weekend.
One by one the chains were unlocked and at last he was able
to move his arms and legs. As he sat up he felt aches in the whole of his body.
“On your hands and knees slave, follow me to the bathroom,”
she said clipping a lead onto a steel collar she had locked round his neck.
Once in the bathroom he put the stopper in the bath and
turned on the taps. Anna watched and waited.
“Good now you may undress me slave,” she said.
Paul removed the robe she wore, this revealing a long silk
white nightdress that he could see was stained by the night’s activities. His
hands shook as he removed the nightdress and saw her beautiful naked body for
the first time. His penis tried to erect immediately but was thwarted by the
cruel tube and guard. Oh how he would have loved to have thrown her on her bed
and emptied the hot cum from his blue bursting balls into her. His hands went
down to the shield, feeling the steel and he gasped in pain as another
attempted erection was squashed.
“What’s wrong slave, anyone would think you do not like your
reward?” she said giggling.
“It’s the pain Mistress, this chastity belt allows me
nothing but pain,” he said sobbing.
“Good that means it is doing the job it is supposed to do.
Now using just your tongue pleasure me,” she demanded.
Still on his knees he crawled over to between her legs and
started using his tongue to play with her special place. He heard her moan
softly, he continued to work as his penis tried to erect once again. It hurt so
badly he wanted to tear this cruel thing off but he knew he couldn’t. Paul
continued until with his hair now firmly in her grasp she pulled him even
harder into her until he was having trouble breathing, then she came. Her juice
flooding over his face, running down and dripping onto his chest as he knelt
trying to regain his breath again. Her taste was in his mouth, so sweet, if
only he could get his penis free for just a few seconds. Anna let go of his
hair as she came back down again, she smiled a very contented smile as she
climbed into the bath and sat down.
Paul crawled to the bath and using a bar of soap and her
washcloth he began to lather it up. Her juices dripped from his face, he licked
all he could before they fell into the water,
he liked
her taste.
The soaped cloth went to her breasts as he gently washed
them. He could feel the warmth of her breast and longed to be allowed to suck
her nipples. More pain from the belt, would it never end? For the next thirty
minutes he washed every inch of her flawless skin, it brought his frustration
level to a point he never knew existed.
Anna climbed out of the bath and waited as Paul towelled her
dry, she pointed to the bottle of body lotion. Paul knew what she
wanted, no words were said as he took handful after handful
of the lotion and massaged it gently into her skin.
“Now just a sprinkle of powder and you may dress me slave,”
she said.
Anna had selected her outfit
she wanted it to give Paul as many problems as was possible. Today he was going
to learn what real denial and frustration was. Carefully Paul dressed Anna,
first her white silk blouse, then some satin panties. Black silk stockings held
up by a suspender belt. Paul felt more pre-cum drip from his belt and land on
his leg. Next her boots, laced up to her knees, black and shiny with the four inch
The black leather skirt, just long enough to be decent
but so very provocative.
“Thank you slave, now I am going to put my make upon and you
will use the water in the bath for your wash and don’t take any longer than
five minutes. I am hungry and you need to make my breakfast before I have
finished this task,” she said.
The water was cold, he plunged in and it felt good. For the
first time in ages his penis relaxed a little in the cool water. He washed
himself as fast as he could, used the toilet and dried himself on the same
towels he had used for Anna. Having put them in the hamper to be washed he
emptied the bath and cleaned everything up. He knew he was late as he ran down
stairs to the kitchen to start breakfast.
By the time he had cooked her meal Anna was sitting at the
table and not looking happy.
“Slave I have been waiting now for five minutes,” she said
“I’m sorry Mistress but I had so little time,” he said.
“I do not take excuses
slave, you
will be punished in the most fitting way possible. I’ll keep you waiting before
I unlock your belt, perhaps that will teach you to move yourself a bit quicker.
Shall we say a further week?” she said smiling sweetly.
“No Mistress, please no not a week,” he said falling to his
knees begging her.
“Ok then let’s make it two weeks.... Care to go for three
slave?” she said smiling.
“No Mistress, your slave apologises for his slackness,” he
said hating himself for having to grovel this way.
As Anna ate her breakfast Paul knelt by her side anxious to
pass her anything she wanted. His stomach growled wanting food but he knew
better than to ask.
“Thank you slave, I have eaten enough, you will finish what
is on my plate after you have poured my coffee,” she said.
The plate was put on the floor; Paul crawled over on his
knees to pour the coffee the crawl back again.
“Turn round and put your hands behind you slave,” she said.
Paul felt the chill of steel as she locked the handcuffs
round his wrists, eating was not going to be made easy.
“Thank you slave, you may eat now,” she said.
It looked cold and he didn’t want it but to refuse would
annoy her and he had quickly learnt that was not a good idea. Without hands he
was forced to plunge his face into the food, he ate quickly and as he bent to
eat off the floor so the waistband of the belt cut in. This was not going to be
a good weekend and he briefly wondered just how many more there would be before
she gave him the key to his freedom.
Once the plate was licked clean Anna clipped the lead onto
his collar and led him back down to the cellar and to her cell. She removed the
lead the locked the door of the small cell.
“I don’t need you for an hour or so and don’t want you
getting in my way as I have a visitor coming.
I was speaking to him yesterday in a
slave, he wants to buy a chastity belt from me,” she said and burst out
laughing. “This one isn’t local like you are and has travelled over 150 miles.”
Paul stood there stunned, he couldn’t think of what to say
as she left the room locking the cellar door behind her. With his hands still
chained behind him and his face splattered with fried food that was drying and
itching he could do nothing but wait in discomfort until her return. As he
waited he thought about the poor unsuspecting fool that would soon be locked in
a belt like his and at her mercy. Try as hard as he could Paul couldn’t
understand what she really wanted out of all this. Ok the fun and games would
be just that but eventually she would get fed up...he hoped.
“So how is my slave then?” she asked.
“Tired and very frustrated Mistress.
My arms and shoulders ache from the cuffs and my face itches but I can’t clean
it up,” he said feeling very sorry for
“Oh poor
diddums, well I think we
can help you a little slave. I have a pile of sand that needs shifting from the
front to the back yard. It shouldn’t take you long and the fresh air will do
you good. First though we must get you ready as I can’t send you out naked
except the belt can I?” she said.
“No Mistress,”
The cell door was unlocked and Anna walked in. She locked a
pair of ankle cuffs on him that no more than fifteen inches of strong chain
connecting them. She clipped the lead to his collar and pulled.
“Come slave, work to be done,” she said.
Paul looked down at his nakedness and
Anna stopped and glared angrily at him.
“Defy me again and I’ll fill those locks with cement,” she
Paul moved quickly, well as fast as the ankle restraints
would allow. They reached the front door where she stopped.
“Wait I have to do something first or you will never make it
through the doorway,” she said smiling.
Paul saw her go into another
he waited helpless for her to return. When she did she was carrying some
clothes that she threw onto the floor.
“You will wear these slave but don’t get any stupid ideas
about absconding before I say so as I have reset your field as far as the gate.
Try to go beyond that and the shock collar will hurt you,” she said.
Anna bent down and unlocked the cuffs round his ankles, then
those on his wrists. Paul brought his hands back and rubbed his sore wrists
with each hand. The clothes consisted of a pair of pink satin shorts, a pink
T-shirt, and a pair of black ankle boots with three inch heels. It all fitted
him much to his surprise, looking down at himself there was no way he would go
too far dressed like this. Anna clipped on his lead and they went through the
front doorway to the side of the house. There was a huge pile of sand, a
wheelbarrow and shovel.
“Now slave, you will fill the barrow, wheel it round the
back of the house to the far bottom right of the garden and tip it on the
concrete base I have for it. It will all be done before dinner so you had
better get started as soon as I lock your ankle cuffs on,” she said.
Once again the steel cuffs went round his ankles over the
leather of the boots and were double locked to prevent them tightening any
more. Anna stood up and
smiled, she put an arm round
him and kissed him gently on the cheek.
“Tonight I have a lovely surprise for you darling, you will
really enjoy it providing you don’t mess up before then,” she said in a soft
seductive voice.
Paul felt his penis being
by the steel tube as she spoke and he could smell her perfume, he knew then he
had to finish this task.
It was a long and tiring job but he worked without rest. The
cuffs slowed him down and he did get the chain tangled a few times and fall over.
He was tired and the sweat was running off him as he scraped the last of the
sand into the barrow. He was about to move off when Anna appeared at the door
holding a broom and dustpan.
“Sweep the area and put your things away as soon as you are
done,” she said.
Paul walked into the kitchen at the back of the house, his
hands sore, his back aching and worn out.
“You have made me happy slave, I am pleased with you,” she
said smiling.
“Thank you Mistress,” he said.
“Now go up and take a shower but be quick as I have dinner
almost done and you may not like it cold,” she said.
Paul removed the boots with difficulty, as he had to slide
the cuffs off the leather. He ran as fast as the cuffs would allow up the
stairs and to the bathroom.
The shower did
freshen him up but
did little to ease the ache in his back. With no fresh clothes to wear except
the wet shorts Paul went back downstairs in the shorts, cuffs, collar and
chastity belt.
“Good, now turn round slave,” she said.
Paul felt the handcuffs circle round his wrists and knew
that dinner was not going to be made easy for his to eat. The lead was clipped
on his collar and Anna started towards the cellar. Once inside his cell and the
door locked Anna removed the lead and went to fetch the meal. This she slid through
the hatch by the floor on a tray.
“Now you enjoy slave then take a rest and I’ll be back later
on for a little fun before bedtime,” she said.
Paul watched as she left the cellar before dropping to his
knees to eat his meal.
It was some time before she returned and Paul was lying on
the bed trying to get as comfortable as his restraints would l allow. As soon
as he saw her he slid off the bed and onto his knees. Anna seemed pleased with
his actions as she unlocked the cell door.
“Come slave I need a cock, a good hard cock,” she said
With the lead on his collar Paul followed as fast as he
could up the stairs and to Anna’s bedroom. Anna removed the ankle cuffs at
last, there was red rings left where they had been cutting
into him. Then the damp shorts were also removed.
“I hope you are ready to give me pleasure slave,” she said.
“Yes Mistress, I can’t wait, I will do all I can to last
long enough to give you lasting pleasure,” he said.
“Oh I know you will slave,” she said laughing.
Anna went to a cupboard and returned with a large strap-on
penis attachment.
“This will ensure you retain control and give me pleasure
slave,” she said as she strapped it in place over his chastity belt.
I thought...” he stammered.
“You never thought I was going to unlock you did you slave?
Even you can’t be that stupid,” she said laughing.
Tears ran down his cheeks as he looked down at the strap-on
now attached to his chastity belt.
“You did
didn’t you? You thought
you were going to unload your nuts in me didn’t you slave? Well you have a lot
to learn about me and your present status, an awful lot,” she said wiping away
the wetness from his face.
Anna unlocked the cuffs then lay on the bed naked.
“Ok slave, I want to cum like never before and if I don’t
you will pay for it during the rest of the night so think on,” she said.
Paul employed every little trick he knew with his mouth,
fingers and strap-on. He lost count how many times she came, all were very
noisy, messy and each one broke his heart as he saw what he was being denied.
After several hours Anna had clearly had enough.
“You may remove the strap-on and put it in the basin over
there,” she said.
Paul stood by the bed, his penis aching, as were his balls.
“Fetch me that harness slave,” she said.
The harness consisted of two straps and a lead. She took the
straps and fastened them round her thighs fairly tightly, Anna looked up and
smiled as she saw Paul realise what may be about to happen.
“As a reward for your hard work slave you are going to be
permitted to share my bed with me tonight,” she said. “Now turn round so I can
locks these cuffs in place.”
Knowing it would only make it worse if he
Paul turned round and once again felt the hard steel as it encircled each
“Good now let me lock those cuffs on your ankles and then we
can get comfortable,” she said.
Anna lay of the black satin sheet, her legs apart naked but
for the two straps.
“Right now up you get slave and lay face down between my
legs,” she said.
Once in position she clipped his collar to each of the thigh
straps, pulled the lead and closed her thighs trapping his head between his
“Good now let me just join your two sets of cuffs so your
legs don’t stick out of the bed and get cold,” she said.
Now hog-tied, with his face pressed into her sex for the
night and her thighs clamping his head tightly so she rolled over onto her side
taking him with her and went to sleep.
Paul lay there not daring to move in case he woke her and
that would only be bad news for him. Sleep didn’t come easy in his highly sexed
state, he would feel, smell and even taste her sex and yet do nothing to
relieve his ever-increasing frustration.
It was early morning and Anna was at last waking up, Paul
was still attached between her legs, his penis painfully throbbing behind its
shield of steel. Anna felt for the lead and gave it a sharp tug.
“Wake up slave, time for you to have your breakfast and
don’t rush it we have plenty of time,” she said.
Paul knew what she meant and immediately adjusted his
cramped position and working in the darkness of the duvet he began to use his
tongue. For the next hour or so he licked, sucked and even gently nibbled Anna
to four or five orgasms while all the time his frustration rose to new peaks.
Suddenly the duvet was thrown to one
side, he blinked
in the sunlight as his eyes struggled to become accustomed to it. Anna
unclipped her thigh bands and got out of bed. Looking at Paul she giggled and
shook her head.
“I think you enjoyed that didn’t you slave? You certainly
have a very messy face to show for it. Well I need a quick shower then we’ll
see about you,” she said.
Totally beaten, Paul lay on the bed still chained in
the hog-tie that he had been in for many hours. He listened
as she sung happily in the
shower, it would seem completely
oblivious to his needs. Surely she would let him have one orgasm after all she
had put him through, he was certain he wouldn’t be able to last another week
without one.
Anna walked back
intro her bedroom
naked; she sat on the bed giggling happily.
“Poor baby, I guess you would like to stretch yourself and
get cleaned up a little,” she said reaching over picking up some keys.
As she reached over her firm breast pressed against Paul’s
face, he gave a soft groan as his penis tried to react accordingly.
Once unlocked, the cuffs removed, Anna still naked took hold
of his lead and helped him stand. Paul was stiff and ached as he did so but he
managed to stand and walk to the shower. Anna unclipped the lead and he was
left alone to shower.
Breakfast was served in the cage as usual and while Anna
prepared for the day ahead so Paul slumped on the bed desperate for the
frustration to be eased enough so he could sleep.
Anna entered the cellar; she was wearing a leather corset,
small leather panties, long gloves and the same boots from the previous day.
She looked every inch a true dominatrix.
“Stand and move away from that door slave,” she demanded.
Paul stood, his hands still chained together behind him and
walked as far from the door as he could then
faced the
The door opened and Anna walked in, seconds later she had
his ankles in steel cuffs and a leather hood locked on his head.
“Come, follow,” she said as she pulled the lead.
Paul was taken
upstairs, he went
from room to room until he had lost all sense of direction.
“Stop and stand still slave,” she said.
Legs apart as far as you can,” she said.
Paul felt further chains being locked to the cuffs and
pulled out sideways, now he couldn’t move his feet at all. Next a rope or chain
was fastened to his collar and he felt the collar pull upwards until he was on
his toes then it was relaxed a little.
“I’m going to remove your cuffs now slave and put some
leather ones on you that will be far more comfortable.” She said.
The hated steel cuffs were unlocked and Paul felt a wide
leather strap being buckled round each wrist, chains were clipped on and his
arms pulled upwards and outwards so he ended up standing spread with little
movement at all.
“Tell me slave, how does that feel? Comfortable?” she asked.
“Yes Mistress,” he said knowing any other reply could mean
big trouble stretched the way he was.
“Good, now I know you have only been locked in that belt for
a very short time and it is going to take time to get used to wearing
it, however I feel I have a duty to ensure that it isn’t
causing any serious problems down there. I am therefore going to remove it from
you and we’ll take a look and see,” she said.
Paul heard her walk
away, he was on
his own and tested his restraints. They were totally effective in that he could
not even move let alone
work his way into a position to over power her while he was unlocked. Once again he
cursed his own stupidity that had done this to him.
“Is the belt still comfortable slave?” she asked.
“Mistress please I am desperate to have an orgasm, just one
Mistress please,” he begged.
“That does not answer my question slave,” she said sharply.
“The belt itself is wearable Mistress, steel can never be
comfortable,” he said.
“No I guess not, now let us see if my
works,” she said giggling.
Paul felt the key go into the lock then seconds later it
turned a few times as it unscrewed. The lock came off easily in Anna’s
hand, she put it on the floor with the key then pushed the
joining pins free at the waistband. The belt was slid down his
legs, his penis had to be helped out of the tiny tube until
the belt lay on the floor at his feet. Paul still in darkness of the hood could
only feel as Anna stroked her hands around the marks the belt had caused.
“A pretty pattern slave, still no undue pressure marks at
all. This belt could well have been made just for you,” she said.
Paul’s penis was standing out proud, as hard as the steel
that had enclosed it. He was sure that just one touch would be enough to shoot
several huge loads of cum out of his congested balls.
“Well you are a randy sod slave, I think I’ll use a pair of
latex gloves over my leather ones to touch that thing,” she said.
Paul gave a cry of shock more than anything else as a large
bag of ice was pushed against his cock and balls and held in place.
“I think we need to get that down in size a little to take a
look,” she said.
Five minutes later, tears running down his cheeks Paul’s
penis had shrivelled up and as blue as his balls were.
“Excellent, now let me take a look,” said Anna.
She took his penis, checked for any bruising underneath,
around his balls, then pulled back his foreskin and checked there too. It all
looked fine, she was happy she could relock him again for another week. First
though she would have a little fun she thought to herself.
“Well slave you will be delighted to know that everything
looks fine down there before I lock you back up again I am going to give you a
good wash and clean up,” she said.
For the next two or three hours Anna washed, oiled,
powdered, and teased his penis so many times she lost count. Between his feet
she saw a puddle of pre-cum, she congratulated herself that her skill had
prevented the loss of even one tiny drop of cum. She was feeling tired and a
little hungry so decided it was time to finish up here and press on with the
day. Paul stood in his chains,
he penis once again
steel hard and twitching, he was thrusting into the air in a pathetic,
desperate attempt to cum. So hard was he concentrating on what he was doing he
had no idea what was about to happen. The large bag of ice was pushed cruelly
hard against his throbbing penis and balls. He gave a howl of disbelief and
pain as the coldness of the ice started to reduce his proud erection to
“It never stops surprising me just how effective a bag of
ice is at taking a man down to his proper size again, so much fun,” said Anna.
Paul sobbed as the ice was taken away, he felt a lubricant
being sprayed onto his penis then her fingers took his penis and fed it into
that hated tube again. Holding onto to that she pulled the belt back up
latching the tube into the front shield before engaging the pins at the back.
Paul struggled in a vain attempt to prevent her from doing it but it caused her
no trouble at all. The click of the lock sounded like a
shot to Paul under that hood as it was pressed into place and the lock
screwed down tight with the special key.
“Good that is all done then,” she said as if she had just
given a baby a bath. It was really of no consequence to her at all.
Anna left the sobbing figure to lock the key away in her
safe that was hidden in another room. She was happy with the way everything had
gone and satisfied that she could leave her new slave for a week without
anything nasty happening to him that was caused by the belt. The keys locked
away she returned to her slave and started to remove his restraints.
It was early afternoon; Anna had a visitor due just after
five o’clock and had no further use for Paul at present. She thought about
locking him away in the cellar in case she required his services later on but
then thought it may be better to take him back home so he could try and rest.
Anna found his clothes and took then down to the cellar where he was in the
cell. He was lying on the bed, she watched as he tried to get even a finger
under the shield to touch his penis.
“It can’t be done slave, many have tried it and none had
succeeded and you will not be the first I can assure you. Here are you clothes,
get dressed and I am going to take you home,” she said.
Paul picked the clothes up off the floor and put them on, he
wondered if he should try and force her to give him the key but then remembered
the shock collar and decided it wasn’t a good idea. Once he was dressed Anna
unlocked the cell door and together they left the cellar.
“Hold on slave, I need to disable the force field before we
go outside. If however you are getting any stupid ideas I would suggest you
don’t, I can still hurt you through the collar with just one press of my finger
on this button,” she said.
Anna threw Paul the car keys and told him to get in and
drive. They reached his house almost in silence, as he pulled up outside the
house Anna reached over and gently kissed his cheek.
“It’s been fun this weekend slave, you will come and serve
me again next weekend. I’ll expect you the same time on Friday. I have already
returned your car as you can see while you were in my cell,” she said.
“Please Mistress
will I be able to
have an orgasm next week, I have never felt so frustrated,” he said
“I don’t know slave, perhaps but then I always find a slave
with choked up balls is far better behaved. I think it is a case of being
afraid what they may lose rather than being grateful for what they have just
received,” she said.
“But Mistress I have to cum soon,” he begged.
Enough, now let me remove your
collar and you are to go without saying any more or I’ll make sure you don’t
cum before Christmas,” she said.
The steel collar was removed and Paul got out of the car and
slowly walked back into his house a tired and desperate man. Anna giggled
happily as she watched then slid over into the driving seat and off she went.
She was happy he would soon be ready for the next part of her plan.
Paul sat at home feeling depressed and wondering what he was
going to do to get himself out of this mess he was in. Using force was not the
answer, he had no idea where the keys were and he knew she would never tell
him. However he couldn’t stand many more weekends like that so something had to
be done. He stripped off and went upstairs and lay down on the bed. At first he
just thought about what had happened and how reality was so different from his
fantasy had been. His hand went down to the chastity belt and felt the hard
steel baring his way. He hit it hard with his fist, it hurt his hand but he
felt nothing else. He turned on his side and eventually he cried himself to
Monday morning came and with it the inevitable morning
erection. Pain and more pain came as his imprisoned penis tried to erect behind
the steel. He phoned in sick to work, something had to be done as he showered
he wasn’t sure what but he couldn’t go on like this. He washed and considered
his option. As he ate his breakfast, it felt good to sit and eat and not have
his hands chained together and have to eat off the floor. Paul wrote a list of
ways he might be able to get the belt removed. With five ideas on the list he
then set about crossing off those he thought were impossible or unlikely to
succeed. Three lines went through three items leaving him just two. Both would
be humiliating, but both could if things worked in his favour set him free. The
first was a visit to a locksmith and see if the lock was all Anna had claimed
it to be. He couldn’t go to a local one so he would drive out into the city.
The other option was to go to the police and make a complaint against Anna and
get them to force her to give him the key. He didn’t like the idea of going to
the police so he picked up the telephone book and searched out a locksmith.
“Hello, I was wondering if you could help me. Now this may
seem a bit of a strange story and I am embarrassed to have to tell you but I do
need your help. My girlfriend and I have been playing with a chastity
belt, she has this locked on me right now. However when she
got home last night her boss had called and she had to fly out first thing this
morning to a conference for two weeks and had taken the keys with her. If I
come to see you do you think you could remove this for me?” he asked.
The sweat was running down his face, he was burning up he
so embarrassed as the guy listened in silence to
his tale.
“Well I don’t know, never been asked to open a chastity belt
that’s for sure. I suppose you could come in and I’ll try. Leave it until about
one o’clock when I close for dinner and I can then work and give you a bit of
privacy,” he said.
“Ok thanks, I do appreciate it. This thing is driving me
nuts and I can’t stay in it until she gets back,” Paul said.
“Well I’ll do my best see you soon,” he said and put the
phone down.
The locksmith shook his head in disbelief as he looked at
the steel belt that Paul was wearing.
“Wow fella, she likes things secure that’s for sure. I have
never seen anything like that, whatever does it feel like to wear?” he said.
“Uncomfortable and extremely frustrating,” said Paul.
“I bet
, you wouldn’t catch me in
one of them not for any girl. Well let’s take a look at the business end of
this thing,” he said.
Paul stood holding his shirt up with his pants round his
ankles as the locksmith sat on a chair and stared at the lock.
“My word I haven’t seen a lock like this before. I think
there must be about twenty pins there,” he said.
“She said 16 but she could be wrong. Do you think you can
undo it for me?” he asked.
“I doubt very much if anyone could without the keys mate.
I’ll give it a go but I honestly think I’ll be wasting my time,” he said.
“Please do try, you are my last hope to get this thing off,”
said Paul.
“Ok I’ll try, hold still,” said the locksmith.
The clock had moved round to two o’clock and Paul was still
standing with his pants round his ankles and still the locksmith tried to undo
the lock. He sat back and sighed deeply.
“It’s no good fella, there
no way you are going to undo that lock without the right keys,” he said shaking
his head sadly.
“Please keep on trying, please,” begged Paul.
“No sorry fella, I am as good as most locksmiths and I know
when I am beaten. The only other way of getting out is to try and cut the metal
and that I would say is very dangerous,” he said.
“She says it can’t be cut, she had the belt made
specially for us to play with. It
her a small fortune,” said Paul.
“I can imagine, well if it can’t be cut then I guess you are
stuck in that thing until she unlocks you and I only hope she don’t lose the
keys while she is away,” he said putting the chair away.
Paul got dressed and paid the locksmith his fee, thanked him
for trying and left.
Well she was telling the truth, I should never have doubted
her he thought to himself as he walked along the footpath. That leaves me with
just one option and that is the police. He walked around the town centre for an
hour or so trying to pluck up the courage to go in and talk to them. His
stomach churned, he nerves felt so on edge they could snap at any time, he had
to do something.
Sitting in a room he looked at the policeman sitting
opposite to him as he made notes. Paul had told him everything about how he had
bought the device from her and how she had not given him the keys to remove it.
How he had just spent the whole weekend at her mercy and he begged him to go
and get the key for him. The policeman asked to see the
he smiled and shook his head wondering why anybody would allow themself to get
locked in it. Paul explained about the locksmith and why in desperation he had
been forced to seek the help of the police. The policeman left the room to
consult with another officer as Paul got his clothes back on again.
A short while later on he returned and said he was going to
visit Anna and would hear her side of the story and while he was gone Paul was
to stay at the station and someone would be by soon with a cup of tea for him.
“Thank you very much officer, I don’t know how to thank
you,” Paul said.
“Well don’t thank me yet, I haven’t got the keys and I am
only going to see what the lady has to say. It will depend on that whether I
return with the keys or not.
Anna was looking out of her window as the police car pulled
up; she wondered what they wanted. She hurried to the front door to let them
“Excuse me Miss, we have had a complaint from a gentleman
regarding the sale of a chastity belt and was wondering if we could come in and
talk to you about it,” the officer said.
Anna smiled and stood aside.
“Come in officer, through to the lounge and take a seat.
Would you care for a drink?” she asked.
“No thank you ma’am, I would like to get this sorted out
quickly if I can,” he said.
“Yes certainly and I’ll do all I can to assist. Now what is
it you want to know?” she said smiling.
The idea that Paul had been
desperate as to go to these lengths amused Anna immensely.
The officer outlined what Paul had said then waited for her
to reply.
“Well officer what he says is certainly mainly true. I did
sell him a chastity
belt, however I never forced him
to put it on, he asked me to put it on him. Also I never claimed that I was
selling him the keys to remove it, it was up to him to make sure he had the
right keys before he locked it on himself. As for this weekend, again yes he
did spend it with me and certainly most people would think that I was cruel and
unkind to him but this is the problem. You see officer he asked if he could
visit me to play games, I agreed and told him to come on Friday and be prepared
to stay the weekend. Never at any time did he offer a “stop word” or do
anything other than play out the scene. His mouth was free almost all the time
and he only had to say that he wanted the game to stop and it would. So you see
officer I was only doing exactly as he had asked me to do. I also have this
receipt signed and dated by him and if you care to read it then you can see it
clearly verifies what I have said,” she said.
“I see so what about this key that you have of his to unlock
this thing?” asked the officer.
“That is my
key, I never offered
that for sale. The key he bought enables him to lock the device on, whether he
did or not was entirely up to him. As I said it was up to him to check he had
everything before buying
and then locking the belt in place. It was not my place to point
out that I retained the only key to undo it. I did however tell him when he
bought the belt that I was retaining a key and that one was not for sale. I
would have thought that would have aroused suspicion enough to check the belt
and key properly before buying and wearing it. After all
what would you have done?” she asked.
Anna smiled as the policeman blushed slightly, he seemed
uneasy in her presence as he wriggled on the chair.
“Well yes I can see you do make everything very clear in
this receipt, I trust he has a copy of it.”
Anna nodded her head.
“So from that and from what you say, it would seem he has
just made one mistake after another and no criminal offence has taken place.
I’ll be going now Ma’am, I’ll get back and break the bad news to the
gentleman,” he said.
“Thank you officer, perhaps you would tell him if he likes
to visit me next Friday as arranged we could talk about him buying the key,”
she said smiling.
“I’ll do that and I am sure he’ll be very interesting in
buying it,” he said.
“Yes, I wonder if he can afford it though,” she said giggling
The policeman left and drove back to the station and broke
the news to Paul. He was devastated that the officer couldn’t help him, now he
was totally at her mercy and knew he would pay dearly for this stunt. The news
of what was written in the receipt he ha
him, he needed to read it through properly.
The fact key may be for sale cheered him up and he hurried out of the police
station and back home.
Well let us say I would consider
an offer of £500
,000,” she said smiling.
“But I don’t have that sort of money, how can you say the
key is worth that much?” he said angrily.
“I sold you the belt cheaply as I didn’t want it but I knew
you did. Now however I have the key and I do want to keep that and play some
more for years to come and that is how much I value the entertainment I will
lose,” she said.
“But Mistress I can’t pay you anything like that, even if I
sold my house I still couldn’t get that much money,” he said.
“No slave I know it is a problem for you. Let me see, ok
look I have another idea how about I buy the belt back off you with the promise
I’ll remove it from you as soon as you agree,” she said.
“Really you would do that Mistress, buy the belt back and
remove it then let me go from here a free man?” he asked.
“Yes slave I would do that, however you must realise that I
am not keen to have back a belt I have just sold so I won’t be paying much for
it,” she said.
“Yes Mistress I understand, how much did you think would be
a fair price?” he asked.
“One penny slave, that is my offer,” she said firmly.
“But Mistress I paid you £500 for it just two weeks ago, it
must be worth more than that,” he said.
“Ok then slave
keep the belt, you
have heard my offer so either accept it right now or it will be withdrawn for
ever,” she said.
“Sorry Mistress I didn’t seem to sound ungrateful, of
coarse I’ll be happy to accept your generous offer of one
penny,” he said.
“Ok I thought you may see it my way, they all do,” she said
undoing the door of the cell.
Anna unlocked the steel cuffs then the belt and removed it
totally. Paul was free of it for the first time in two weeks and his penis
stood hard and firm before him. Anna threw his clothes at him and told him to
get dressed while she fetched his money.
He thought about masturbating right away but then fear hit
him and he wanted to get out of this place before she changed her mind. He was
still wearing the collar.
When she returned she gave him a penny and had him sign a
receipt to say he was happy to sell the belt for that amount.
“Right then slave follow me,” she said.
They reached the front door before she unlocked the collar
then pushed him out of the door.
“Excellent another £499.99 profit this week, this is turning
into a very profitable business. With three belts that
I get almost £1000 every month and when that next belt is delivered I’ll be
able to double that. Life is so sweet, so many fools out there who have fantasies
that turn into nightmares, I wonder if they would pay more than £500 for the
belt?” She said aloud.
Anna went into her office and switched on her computer then
logged into a chat room.
“Hello I’m Anna I wonder if we could talk as I may have
something that will interest you,” she typed.

Once home he set to work doing anything to take his mind off
the chastity belt and his pent up frustration. He had no idea how he managed to
get through the week; he was ready to climb up walls by the time Friday evening
came round. He didn’t know how but he knew he had to find enough money to buy
that key and get himself out of this belt once and for all.
Paul drove out to Anna’s house and parked by the side. His
knees were knocking with fear as he walked round to the front door and rang the
bell. A stern looking Anna answered the door; Paul shook under her gaze.
“In and strip, we have business to take care of I think,”
she said. Paul hurried in and stripped off his clothes and knelt on
the floor. Anna picked up her handcuffs and fastened them on his wrist behind
his back. The she locked the collar on and pressed the shock button. Paul
screamed in pain like he had never felt before.
“I owed you that one for the embarrassment you cause me last
Monday,” she said angrily.
“I’m sorry Mistress but I am desperate, I had to try
anything to get this belt off me,” he sobbed.
“Well in that case I may have some good news for you, come
follow me to the cellar,” she said.
They reached the cellar where she locked him in the cell.
Anna sat down and looked at Paul still on his knees the other side of the steel
“So slave you had better tell me exactly what happened last
Monday from the time you got up until you left the police station,” she said.
Paul explained about the locksmith, this made her laugh as
she heard about his embarrassment and then the humiliation of having to tell
his tale to the policeman. She found the fact he had to drop his pants to show
the officer very funny and by the time he had finished his tale tears were
running from her eyes she was laughing so much.
“Well slave you have cheered me up and I will not give you
the thrashing you deserve. Now I understand you are prepared to buy my key from
me is that true?” she asked.
“Yes Mistress gladly,” he said.
“Well I may be prepared to sell it but I don’t think you
could afford it, you see I am rather attached to it,” she said.
“How much do you want for it?” he asked.
Well let us say I would consider
an offer of £500
,000,” she said smiling.
“But I don’t have that sort of money, how can you say the
key is worth that much?” he said angrily.
“I sold you the belt cheaply as I didn’t want it but I knew
you did. Now however I have the key and I do want to keep that and play some
more for years to come and that is how much I value the entertainment I will
lose,” she said.
“But Mistress I can’t pay you anything like that, even if I
sold my house I still couldn’t get that much money,” he said.
“No slave I know it is a problem for you. Let me see, ok
look I have another idea how about I buy the belt back off you with the promise
I’ll remove it from you as soon as you agree,” she said.
“Really you would do that Mistress, buy the belt back and
remove it then let me go from here a free man?” he asked.
“Yes slave I would do that, however you must realise that I
am not keen to have back a belt I have just sold so I won’t be paying much for
it,” she said.
“Yes Mistress I understand, how much did you think would be
a fair price?” he asked.
“One penny slave, that is my offer,” she said firmly.
“But Mistress I paid you £500 for it just two weeks ago, it
must be worth more than that,” he said.
“Ok then slave
keep the belt, you
have heard my offer so either accept it right now or it will be withdrawn for
ever,” she said.
“Sorry Mistress I didn’t seem to sound ungrateful, of
coarse I’ll be happy to accept your generous offer of one
penny,” he said.
“Ok I thought you may see it my way, they all do, oh ....and one more thing: I have this cruel streak. I want all my victims to wear the belt for a minimum of one year and you my dear are no exception”
she said
undoing the door of the cell.
Anna unlocked the steel cuffs Anna threw his clothes at him and told him to
get dressed and leave. He was in tears but couldn't do a thing about it.
A year later the belt was removed totally. Paul was free of it for the first time in one year and his penis
stood hard and firm before him.He thought about masturbating right away but then fear hit
him and he wanted to get out of this place before she changed her mind. When she returned she gave him a penny and had him sign a
receipt to say he was happy to sell the belt for that amount.
“Right then slave follow me,” she said.
They reached the front door before she unlocked the collar
then pushed him out of the door.
“Excellent another £499.99 profit, this is turning
into a very profitable business. With 300 belts that
I get almost £150000 every year. Life is so sweet, so many fools out there who have fantasies
that turn into nightmares, I wonder if they would pay more than £500 for the
belt?” She said aloud.
Anna went into her office and switched on her computer then
logged into a chat room.
“Hello I’m Anna I wonder if we could talk as I may have
something that will interest you,” she typed.
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