At 23 I had it all. A good job, a good body and a rich girlfriend. Then I had to go and fuck it all up and now I’m paying the price.
I met Lisa not long after I got out of the army. The six year stint I’d done had made me pretty fit and I didn’t have much trouble picking up women almost anytime I wanted them. I liked my job at a construction company (still do), it was hard work and outdoors but that’s what I liked about it. Working out three times a week kept me fit as well.
There was something about Lisa right from the start. I liked my women redheaded, buxom and cuddly. She was all of those things and more, but what really attracted me to her was the air of confidence about her. It wasn’t that she was bossy or anything like that, she just seemed to be the sort of woman who knew exactly what she wanted and how to get it. Best of all, she wanted me. She seemed just like the sort of woman I’d like to settle down with one day though I wasn’t really in any hurry for that. I’d been going out with her for six months before I found out she was rich too.
It turned out that her parents had died in a plane crash about a year before I met her and had left their only daughter an electronics factory and a couple of million dollars in the bank. Up to then I knew where she worked but I never suspected she actually owned the place. Now I could see the reason for her confidence. I could see the reason for her frequent business trips too. I had never objected to those since they gave me a chance to keep playing the field, girlfriend or not I wasn’t the sort of man to let a chance go by. Just the same, I could see that if I married her I’d be on easy street for the rest of my life and I liked that idea a lot.
The fateful day came after an unusually long business trip. Lisa had been away for more than two weeks and in that time I’d managed to bed four different women, even so by the time she got back I hadn’t had a fuck for three days so I was dying for it. We did the usual thing, dinner, a movie, a few drinks then the night at her house.
I can still remember it. We had fucked once and I lay on the bed, naked, face up and contentedly tired. Lisa gently ruffled my hair. “How’d you like that, big boy?” she asked me. I answered “I loved it, you can take me any time you want me”.
Then she said “I’ve got a little surprise for you but you’ve got to be a good boy to get it. Just spread your arms and legs out, close your eyes and relax. It will feel a bit funny while I’m getting it ready, but I promise you’ll love it. But you must keep your eyes closed. Promise?”
I promised. I felt her hands on my ballsack and immediately went as hard as rocks as she massaged me. Then I felt a slight squeezing, first on one ball, then the other. Just a gentle pressure, nothing painful. I realized later that she must have been measuring the size of my balls. Next thing I could feel something hard closing around my nutsack and heard a tiny ‘click’ sound as something metal snapped shut. Then Lisa told me to open my eyes.
I looked down at my crotch and there it was….. a small metal ring closed snugly around my balls. Almost before I had time to think about it the most incredible feeling of extasy shot into my groin. It felt like I was getting every fuck I was ever going to have all at once. Later I realised it went on for an hour, at the time all I could do was writhe and groan in sheer pleasure. At some stage I must have fallen off the bed, since when it finally ended I found myself lying on the floor at Lisa’s feet.
“How do you like your new ring, boy?” she asked me.
“It’s beautiful, I love it”, I replied even as I reached down to take it off. I soon found that my balls wouldn’t fit through it so I started feeling for the catch to undo it. When I found I couldn’t undo the ring I asked what I now realise is the silliest question I’ve ever asked. The answer was that while she could undo it electronically any time she liked, the only way I could take it off was with a knife.
“But I can’t wear it all the time, just when I want a bit of fun”.
“You better hope you can wear it all the time, because if you can’t there’s only one way out. If you decide on that I’d suggest a good sharp blade, it won’t hurt quite so much”.
The thought of parting with my precious nuts was more than I could bear, the ring was only mildly uncomfortable and I thought I could get used to it. It was a small price to pay for the unbearable pleasure it would give me.
“Now kneel at my feet with your hands behind your back while I shear you”. She had produced electic hair clippers with which she obviously meant to shave my head. “No way!” was all I managed to get out before I started writhing around on the floor again. This time though it wasn’t pleasure but pain. To say that it felt like my balls were on fire would be understating it, I must have made quite a sight as I rolled around on the floor, my hands clutched tightly between my legs and screaming my lungs out.
It only lasted two minutes but I swear it seemed like two years. I lay sobbing at her feet, begging her not to hurt me anymore.
“Now are you going to be a good boy or do you want some more?” she asked.
I wasted no time kneeling at her feet with my hands behind my back like I’d been told, and waited patiently as my scalp was shaved bare. “Now stand up, hands on head, legs apart, chest out, gut in”. I had the idea by now and did so, knowing what would happen if I didn’t comply. “That’s body inspection position. Whenever I whistle you’ll come running and take up that position in front of me and keep it until I give you further orders. From now on you are expected to keep quiet unless I require you to speak, if you must speak you are to ask permission first”.
“You must really think I’m stupid to think that a stud like you would stay out of trouble for any time. I hired those three women to see if they could bring you down and from what I hear none of them had any trouble. And there were more than that, weren’t there?”. I couldn’t help my sheepish grin at that point, after all there’d been four.
“So this is what’s going to happen, and I think it’s going to wipe that stupid smirk off your face. You will spend the next two years in that ring, unless you want to use your only way out. Every month you’ll get an hour of pleasure just like I gave you a while ago. For the rest of the time it’s hard work and iron discipline. I’ve just bought a new house, much bigger than this one.
You will move into it with me and I’ll be keeping you busy with plenty of chores around the place. You will keep your job and hand over all paypackets to me unopened. I’ll give you pocket money if you need it for anything. You will turn over everything you have to me, from now on all you’ve got in the world is that little ring around your balls. You will be permitted to dress to go to work, and you will be permitted to wear a small pair of shorts while working in the grounds. The rest of the time you will go naked. The special diet and physical training program I’m putting you on should build you up nicely, between that, the chores and your job you’re going to be a busy boy. Busy enough to take your mind off fucking anyway. From now on whenever you speak to me you will call me Boss and every sentence will begin and end with that word. Your head will be shaved twice weekly as a mark of respect to your boss. I will address you as ‘boy’ and you will answer to it. Understand?”
I could only manage a shocked “yes” at which I got another two minute dose between the legs. “Is it clear?” she asked again as I lay crying on the floor. “Boss yes Boss”, I answered through my tears.
“You’re getting the idea already! You should smarten up all right with enough training. There’s still a couple of things you need to know before you get any silly ideas though. For instance you would be surprised how much miniature circuitry can be squeezed into something as small as that ring. You’ve felt the pleasure and pain circuits already. I don’t think you want to try out the miniature bomb that will blow your balls off if the ring gets damaged or gets cold. So I’d leave the bolt cutters alone if I were you, and I wouldn’t try freezing it either. It’s powered from the heat of your body and it doesn’t like being disconnected. And speaking of disconnection, I’ve got it rigged so that I can give you pleasure or pain with a thought, and if anything happens to me the pain circuit will go on and stay on, you’ll either die in great pain or tear your balls out with your own hands”.
With that, she produced a tape measure and took various measurements of my body as I stood quietly in body inspection position. This was to become a weekly ritual as she kept track of my physical development.
We moved to the Estate she had bought a week later. A huge, rambling tudor mansion with acres of grounds, it held plenty of opportunities for a man to keep himself busy. I spent a whole weekend, working by myself and using a truck she hired, to move her furniture to the new place. The grounds needed mowing, all 15 acres, needed mowing so Monday evening after work was spent doing that. I soon settled into using the gym room, my three workouts a week soon became three hours a day every day of the week. My mates noticed how I didn’t go for a beer after work anymore, and didn’t chase women the way I once did, all I could say when they asked me about it was that Lisa had me by the balls. If only they could have known.
It was so bloody hard for me. Night after night I’d cry myself to sleep, thinking about all those beautiful women out there beyond my reach, even if I could get a few hours free how could I explain the ring? Many times I sat, sharp bladed flicknife in my hand, trying to work up the courage to cut my way free, wondering what a nutless life would be like. Lisa was true to her word, each month she would give me my hour of pleasure, knowing that once I cut my balls out I would never feel anything like it again kept me from doing the deed until I’d had my dose of pleasure one last time. Before I knew it I’d been in the ballring for six months. The diet and extra work was doing wonders for my body. Already fit, I just put on more and more muscle. There wasn’t an ounce of fat on me. A man in his early 20s is still filling out after all.While I wasn’t allowed to fuck I still got the monthly dose of pleasure and I could still jack off. It was only going to be two years anyway so I knew I could last. I’d still be young then, built like a tank and primed to have a fucking good time after I got out of the ring.
Then came the first party. Lisa invited a dozen or so of her rich, young female friends. I was busily employed preparing and serving the food, then acting as drink waiter. By then I hadn’t had a beer or any alcoholic drink in six months and I was dying for it, I could have sneaked a couple but knowing what would happen if Lisa found out I didn’t dare. Done out in my waiter’s livery (a black bow tie around my neck) I cut a fine figure in my ballring.
“Wow, isn’t he beautiful!” and “How did you catch him?” were two questions I heard more than once that night. Lisa proudly explained to all how and why she had ringed me, embarrassed as I was I could only stand, quiet and naked, in the middle of the room in body inspection position as she outlined the details of my capture and training. Then it was time for me to be put through my paces. Lisa had trained me to do tricks. Cartwheels, handstands, fetching a dogbone with my hands cuffed behind my back, jumping through a flaming hoop, that sort of thing. They all loved the bone fetching, each woman got to throw it at least a couple of times, each time I’d run to it, pick it up in my mouth, run back to the woman who threw it and lay it at her feet. Through it all I was as hard as rocks, I was enjoying it and everyone could see I was.
By the time the party ended Lisa had four or five offers to buy me but she turned them all down. “No, I want to keep this one, but you can soon catch and train one of your own, I’ll give you the equipment and show you how to use it, the rest is up to you”. These parties took place every couple of months after that, and sure enough Lisa’s friends started showing up with their own ringed boys. Dress for the boys is standard each time – black bow tie and ring, that’s all. The parties go all weekend now, we have physical contests designed to make us stronger and sharper. Wrestling, swimming, every kind of athletics, the prize is always the same – two minutes of ballpain for the loser. I’ve got a big advantage since I’ve been trained longer than anyone else so I’m physically more developed, but I still get the odd dose between the legs from losing a contest.
Through all this time, Lisa has never used me in any sexual way. She likes men and brings them home every so often. I am hurt by this, I’ve been in the ring almost two years now and it’s made me realise what a fuckhead I was. Why did I have to fuck around when I had the perfect girlfriend. I don’t even get hard at the parties anymore unless Lisa is looking at me. Then I look at her with my best pleading look in my eyes and she just shakes her head to say ‘not yet’. I know I must do my time, but even then my shaft goes rock solid for all to see and I realise I’m still in training. She took my manhood from me with that ring and I guess I’ll have to wait till she decides to give it back to me. Its now one day short of two years and I can’t wait for tomorrow.
I want to marry her, I want to give myself to her, I want to belong to her for the rest of my life. Tomorrow is the second anniversary of me getting the ring and the minute the ring comes off and I’m a man again I’m going to propose……….
What a fucking idiot